PSA Oxygen Concentrator

Oxygen concentrator can supply optimum purity Oxygen gas
The principle of PSA(Pressure Swing Absorption) is to utilize
the generation of enriched O2 gas from ambient air
using adsorbents (Synthetic Zeoliteic Molecular Sieve)
to absorb N2 primarily.
While N2 gets concentrated in the pore system of the
Zeolitic Molecular Sievem O2 is reached as a product.

PSA Technology is a safe and stable way to
produce optimum purity-level Oxygen gas and
is used in Medical Oxygen concentrator and Ozone concentrators
What makes Sunbio2's Oxygen concentrator special?

Unrivalled Sunbio2's technology makes huge differences
Sunbio2 collaborated with Seoul Natl Univ to acquire Zeolite processing technology.
The company holds Zeolite processing technology is only Sunbio2
Point 1.
Optimized Oxygen producing cycle
Sunbio2 succeed to acquire the optimum
Oxygen producing cycle. As a result,
the durability of Zeolite ahs been dramatically
increased, thanks to the optimum Oxygen cycle,
and the reliability and efficiency of the device increased.
Point 2.
Optimized circulation cycle
Maintenance and efficiency of the deivce has significantly increased,
thanks to optimum circulation cycle.
System Configuration
